Umbrella Academy Wiki

"Valhalla"[1] is the fifth episode in the second season of The Umbrella Academy, and the fifteenth overall.


Summoned to an emergency meeting, the siblings hatch very different plans for how to spend their last six days on Earth. Lila confronts her mother.



A flashback to 1962 shows Pogo before the experiments Reginald performed on him. Pogo undergoes numerous ability tests while being timed as numerous scientists watch; Reginald is among the scientists who watch Pogo’s progress. Pogo is then sent into space as Reginald and the other scientists watch. However, things go wrong quickly in the spacecraft, and Pogo’s rocket falls to Earth and is engulfed in flames. He is rushed to the hospital, where Reginald injects him with a serum that brings him back to life, albeit changed.

Picking up from where they left off with the Majestic 12, Lila remarks that they should flee the gala as soon as possible. Five, however, is reluctant to go anywhere with Lila and questions who she is; he finds it odd that she can fight and always asks too many questions, but Lila tells Five that she is on their side. Nevertheless, Five tells Lila to stay out of her way or else he will kill her, much to her surprise. Diego turns on Lila moments later, citing that he knows she is lying about something.

Klaus, meanwhile, has fallen back into old habits and started drinking again, much to Ben’s dismay. Allison tells Klaus that she won’t be an enabler when he asks her to drink with him, but after he remarks that her marriage is falling apart, she jokes that she has much better alcohol that they can drink and that they should do it right if they’re going to day-drink.

Viktor and Sissy lie in bed together, and Viktor asks Sissy if she would like to talk about what is going on; Sissy remarks that she doesn’t and suggests that they get away from everything. However, the encounter between the two is cut short when Carl arrives home earlier than expected.

Number Five talks with Diego and Luther about Reginald and how they’ll try to get close to him, given how difficult it has been lately. Luther reveals that when he first arrived in Dallas, he took a bus to the Umbrella Academy and tried to talk to Reginald about the Academy, but was mocked and turned away. The three of them decide it is time to regain the Academy and avert the apocalypse.

Carl tells Sissy, Harlan, and Viktor about the deal he closed at the company and becomes visibly excited about it. His excitement turns to lust, however, and his affection towards Sissy begins to annoy her and Viktor, whose powers blip, and he shatters the windows to the house. Harlan understands that Viktor caused this and tries to calm and comfort him.

Lila is furious with the Handler and questions her over the Swedes and their interference with her attempts to protect Five. Nonetheless, she hands over Diego’s knife, which the Handler asked her to retrieve previously. The Handler reveals that the Temps Commission has no idea that they’re in Dallas, 1963, but doesn’t reveal anything further — she remarks that if Lila needed to know, she would’ve told her.

Back at Elliott’s, the Umbrella Academy is finally reunited. Allison is wary of Viktor, but realizes he is harmless without his memory, and the two embrace him. Five asks if Ben is present, but Klaus remarks that he isn’t, as ghosts can’t time-travel who witnesses the conversation, much to Ben’s dismay.

Meanwhile, the Handler and Lila visit the house where the Swedes hide. Lila posts a transmission down the chimney, and when the Swedes open it, they find a photograph of Diego, their next target, and a location.

Five explains to the Umbrella Academy that the world will end in six days unless they stop it, and at the moment, they only know one thing: their father is involved. They’re unsure, however, if Reginald is planning to kill JFK or has some other involvement in it. Diego suggests they kill Reginald, whereas Five tells everyone they should talk to him and find out what is happening before the apocalypse. Luther is reluctant, however, and remarks that they should all grow up before storming out of the building with Diego in the chase. On the way, he knocks Five out of the way, who travels out of the building to find Lila waiting for him.

Diego tries to convince Luther to stay; however, Luther is concerned that he has already caused the apocalypse once. The two talks but are interrupted when a car approaches and the driver hands them a letter from Reginald inviting them to dinner.

At Odessa’s, Viktor, Klaus, and Allison talk about the end of the world and what they should do about it. They finally decide that they should have no more secrets if the world will end. Klaus decides to face his cult, Viktor tells Sissy how he feels, and Allison reveals her powers to Ray. The three dance after copious amounts of alcohol, and Viktor remarks that his family is awesome.

The Swedes track what they believe to be Diego on their mission from the Commission. They find themselves in a forest, where Oscar quickly realizes they have been misled and are tracking Diego’s knife. Unbeknownst to him, Oscar has stepped on a landmine and is blown to pieces in front of Axel and Otto.

Five follows Lila to an abandoned warehouse, where the two fight as Five attempts to keep his promise that he would kill Lila if the two should ever cross paths again. The fight is even, but Five eventually gets the upper hand on Lila and, with his foot to her throat, remarks that she can come out now; the Handler is surprised to find that Five figured out she is still alive and connected to Lila.

Viktor arrives at the ranch to tell Sissy how he really feels, but finds that Sissy has slept with Carl again. He tells Sissy that the two of them can leave and be happy, but Sissy is reluctant to accept and tells her that she needs more time to figure things out. Viktor tells her they don’t have much time, but cannot explain what he means further. Viktor walks away with Sissy shouting after him.



Guest Starring[]



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Song title Artist Location(s)
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling Pogo origin story
He Can’t Love You Four Holidays Luther meeting Reginald
Hey Da Da Andrea Litkei & Ervin Litkei
Twistin’ the Night Away Sam Cooke Klaus, Viktor, and Allison in the hair salon
Bad Guy The Interrupters Five and Lila fight
Hello (Swedish Cover) My Kullsvik Final scene

