The Umbrella Academy is the bizarre story of a dysfunctional family each with unique superpowers, raised and trained to be superheroes by Sir Reginald Hargreeves in an effort to save the world from an unspecified threat.
The original story is a superhero comic series written by Gerard Way with artwork by Gabriel Bá. The comic has been published by Dark Horse Comics in numerous miniseries since 2007, and was adapted into a successful television series that ran for four seasons on Netflix from 2019 to 2024.
The Umbrella Academy Wiki is a fan-driven database for everything relating to the Dark Horse comics and Netflix series. Anyone can edit, and we need all the help we can get.
We're a community run and maintained by people just like you! Created by fans, for fans, the Umbrella Academy Wiki is dedicated to creating a comprehensive and informative resource about the original Umbrella Academy comic and the Netflix adaptation.
We also have a place for getting to know each other and to talk about The Umbrella Academy in our Discussions. Whether you are here to start editing or to chat with fellow users, you are welcome to sign up for an account!
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