Umbrella Academy Wiki
572440-umbrella academy wallpaper by mcrmysmurf

Umbrella Academy Promotional image

The Umbrella Academy is an American comic book series created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. It was successfully adapted into a television series by Netflix.

Main series[]

The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite[]

The first volume in The Umbrella Academy series is titled The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite. It is comprised of six main issues and two short stories. It chronicles the origins of the Umbrella Academy.

Short stories[]

The two short stories written to accompany Apocalypse Suite are "Mon Dieu!" and "...But the Past Ain't Through With You."

The Umbrella Academy: Dallas[]

The Umbrella Academy: Dallas is the second volume in The Umbrella Academy series. It is comprised of six issues and one short story. It focuses on The Boy's involvement with the Kennedy Assassination.

Short stories[]

The only short story that accompanies Dallas is "Anywhere But Here."

The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion[]

The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion is the third volume in the Umbrella Academy series. It contains seven issues and one short story. It begins after Spaceboy's quote "No one escapes the hotel" in the last issue of Apocalypse Suite.

Short stories[]

The only short story in Hotel Oblivion is "Safe & Sound."

The Umbrella Academy: Sparrow Academy[]

Tales from The Umbrella Academy[]

Hazel and Cha Cha Save Christmas[]

You Look Like Death[]

Short stories[]

The only short story in You Look Like Death is "Letters to Athena", exclusive to the hardcover edition.
