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"The Squid and the Girl" is the third episode in the fourth season of The Umbrella Academy, and thirty-third overall.


The group splits up to find Jennifer. Later on, they pay Reginald a visit, confronting memories that hold critical clues to their mission.

Full Plot Summary[]

The episode begins with a news broadcast from years ago detailing the discovery and capture of a giant squid. As the reporter looks closer at the squid, a hand and a face can be seen inside of it, trying to get out. The fishers then cut open the squid and to onlookers' shock, a young girl falls out of the squid, mumbling about "The Cleanse." As the broadcast wraps up, the camera pans out to Sir Reginald Hargreeves in the crowd of onlookers.

In the present, the Umbrella Academy are recovering from the car accident. After Diego questions, why Jean and Gene called Lila "Nancy," Five, reveals that they were infiltrating the Keepers, an organization whose members believe they have memories from an alternate timeline. Klaus takes the reinstatement of his abilities poorly, lashing out at his family and accusing Allison of keeping him around to avoid dealing with her own problems, before splitting off from the rest of the family. The family then discusses the next step in their plan before taking the car to a mechanic.

While at the mechanic, Ben looks at his arm, which is now scarred and glowing from when he touched Jennifer during the accident. Luther interrupts him to remind Ben that he needs to check in with his parole officer, to which Ben replies by calling him a moron. Five puts out a BOLO on the car that Jean and Gene were driving. The family deduces that Reginald Hargreeves built New Grumpson to keep tabs on Jennifer, and they question if Jennifer might be one of them. The team is deciding between following up on the Keepers or talking to Sir Reginald Hargreeves about what is going on when Ben splits off from the group to look for Jennifer.

While driving in the car, Lila begins to explain to Diego why she was called "Nancy," when he tells her that he already knows. He states that he followed her the other day when she met up with "the little Greek guy," Lila starts laughing at him because she was actually meeting up with Five and not having an affair. She has been working undercover with the CIA to escape from her suburban life, which Diego takes personally.

Ben is seen wincing in pain and pulling up his sleeve to show that the glowing scar has gotten worse. He has a flashback of the accident and Jennifer calling out for his help as she is kidnapped. Somewhere else, Jennifer begins to come to notice the glowing scar that has also appeared on her arm. She gets out of bed as Jean and Gene come into the room with fresh clothes and a drink. She asks them if she is a prisoner, and they laugh while assuring her that she is their guest. They state that they've been looking for her for a long time and that they rescued her from people who were trying to kidnap her. As Jennifer tries to leave, she gets a flashback of the accident and falters.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team arrives at the Keepers HQ, which Jean and Gene have abandoned. When Diego leaves the room to look for clues, Lila confronts Five about his ability to blink, and he shows her how he can only blink at the subway station. Five explains that the trains seem to take him to other timelines. Lila finds a map, but Five says he can't understand it. As Lila tries to figure out the map, a train pulls up, and Lila insists they ride it to see what happens.

Klaus returns to Allison's house in the city and begins looking for items to pawn for drugs. Allison's teenage daughter, Claire, walks in on him just as he rips the TV off the wall and tries to ask him what's wrong, but he shrugs her off. She tries to stop him from leaving, but he yells at her and tells her it's already too late before rushing past her.

While Diego is looking for clues in the trash, he finds a bag with all of Jean and Gene's thrown-out files. He also finds papers discussing the Cleanse.

Five and Lila walk out of the train at a new station, but unlike the previous station, this one is decrepit and abandoned. After Five takes some notes, they leave the station expecting to return to the same apartment in a different timeline. As they step out, their world is destroyed and in flames. Lila guesses that they must have jumped forward to the end of the world, but Five states that they aren't moving through time. He realizes that he's been here before and that they are in his apocalypse in the original timeline, where he was stuck for 40 years. They are then shot at by someone that Five says is himself. They run back into the station, hop on a train, and blink back to the apartment with Diego. Diego shows them a file about Jennifer referencing the Umbrella Academy when it didn't exist. They realize that the date on the file is the same day Ben died in the original timeline and references the "Jennifer Incident." Five says that the Jennifer Incident was a tragic accident.

Ben is found by Sy Grossman, who asks if he has found his daughter, Jennifer. Ben confronts him about Jennifer not knowing who Grossman is and asks what's happening. Grossman shares that she's special and asks where Jennifer is now. Ben states that the Tribedeaus took her, and Grossman insists that they need to find her now because it's a volatile situation, and Jennifer is in danger. Ben gets another flash from Jennifer and asks what's happening to him. Grossman says that it's Jennifer calling out to him and that Ben is special and just needs to listen to his body to find her. Ben closes his eyes, and the glowing scar covers his face. As it covers his face, Jennifer's face also begins to glow.

The Tribedeaus show Jennifer to their barn, which is filled with all the artifacts they deem to be proof of alternate timelines. They explain that their reputations were tarnished because they dared to speak the truth about their memories from other timelines. Jennifer asks them what all of this has to do with her. They tell her that she's the key to returning all of the timelines to the true one. They ask her what they need to do for her to be able to bring about the Cleanse. She calls them crazy, grabs a nearby knife, and yells for help, but no one responds. The Tribedeaus pull down the cloth behind them to reveal the giant squid and lock her in the barn with it.

Luther, Allison, and Viktor arrive at their dad's house. Luther confronts Viktor about why he's been avoiding the family, but really wants to talk to their dad. Viktor shares that he's mentally stuck because he needs to say his piece to his dad to move on finally. Luther sympathizes, and Allison reminds them that the last time Luther spoke his piece to their dad, Luther was murdered. They approach the door and are stopped by a security officer who asks what they are doing. Allison says they are there to talk to Hargreeves, and the guard kindly says they have been expecting them. They enter the house to a woman playing the violin. The woman stops playing violin and greets them with pleasure and thanks. They ask her where Hargreeves is, and she insists that they get to know each other first.

Klaus is floating cross-legged in an alley when a man, Quinn, rides up a motorcycle. Quinn states that he thought Klaus was dead and confronts Klaus about the money he still owes. Klaus baits Quinn into killing him, and Quinn shoots him in the head. Quinn goes to leave, but turns back to grab Klaus' sunglasses and sees Klaus revive.

Back at the Hargreeves mansion, Hargreeves walks into the room and states that he was informed that New Grumpson was destroyed. He demands to know everything and threatens them, which causes Viktor's anger and, thus, power to flair. Hargreeves' suspicions about their powers are confirmed, and he asks them how they are doing as the woman stops him. She demands that they have a civilized conversation. Luther explains what happened, and Hargreeves shares that he was protecting Jennifer from the Umbrella Academy. Allison shares that she knew Jennifer was like them, but Hargreeves counters that and explains that she is the complete opposite of them and that Jennifer has more power than all of them. Diego, Lila, and Five burst in with Diego shouting that they need to talk about Ben.

Klaus wakes up to find himself chained upside down by Quinn. Quinn states that he's come up with an idea for how Klaus can work off his debt.

Ben and Five explain how the document they found is from the original timeline and explain Ben's death, referring to it as the "Jennifer Incident." Luther stops them, explaining that they already know how Ben died: because they failed as a team. Luther stops, realizing that he doesn't know. Allison also fails to explain what specifically happens, and they all start saying the same rehearsed lines that they were told about the accident. Five helps them realize their memories were tampered with as they all look at Hargreeves. Hargreeves states that he has no idea what they are talking about and that they are referring to a different version of him from a different timeline. He does confirm that there were experiments on the human brain by an intelligence agency in the 60s and that it is possible to erase and restore memories. Five insists they work to restore their memories because it must be important, but Hargreeves counters, assuring them that the most important task is finding Jennifer. The woman insists that Hargreeves help them in whatever way they ask.

Ben arrives at the Tribedeau's farm, slaughters the guards, and helps Jennifer escape.

Hargreeves puts Luther, Diego, and Allison into a machine to restore their memories. Viktor insists that he be put in the machine even though he wasn't on the mission because he's a team member now. Lila and Five declined when offered to be put in the machine. As Lila puts Diego in the machine, she apologizes for lying about attending book club and shares that she thinks they should take a break from their relationship before Hargreeves starts the machine. Flashes of their memories come back from when they were children.



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