Umbrella Academy Wiki
This article is about The Jennifer Incident from the Netflix series. You may be looking for The Jennifer Incident from the Dark Horse comics.

The Jennifer Incident is the name attributed to the tragedy that led to the death of number 6 (Ben), as it is revealed in the show's 4th season. This 'incident' occured when the team was on a mission, and Sir Reginald Hargreeves had to come and kill Ben by himself in order to avoid the world's annihilation. Ben would have caused it because he came in contact with Jennifer, a person who was formed because of Durango, the opposition of Marigold. When Durango and Marigold associate this way, they cause the end of the world.

This is why by the end of the show, Jennifer combined with Ben, then turning into a creature that consumed all of the siblings, and Lila. This permanently cancels out both Durango and Marigold, therefore preventing timeline splits and the apocolypse. Therefore the end of the Jennifer Incident.
