Umbrella Academy Wiki

"The Cleanse" is the fourth episode in the fourth season of The Umbrella Academy, and thirty-fourth overall.


After learning the truth about Jennifer, the crew sets out to find her and Ben. Klaus hustles to escape his plight. Five and Lila try to change the past.


The episode opens with a flashback to 2006 in the Umbrella Academy's native timeline: while on a mission to destroy a deadly weapon, Ben finds a girl (Jennifer) locked inside the shipping container purported to contain a weapon. Despite instructions from Reginald not to open it, Ben helps her out of the container. Reginald then appears and shoots Ben and Jennifer, to the horror of the other children.

In the present, having their memories of that night restored, the Hargreeves angrily confront Reginald, only for Abigail to admit to being the cause. When she synthesized the Marigold particle, its opposite, the Durango, was also created. Interactions between the two particles have devastatingly destructive effects and will lead to the Cleanse if left unchecked. Jennifer's body contains durango particles, which was why Reginald quarantined her in the town of New Grumpson.

Upon hearing that the reaction has already begun, Reginald wields a rifle and announces his resolution to kill Ben or Jennifer. Viktor lashes out at his father, disarming him, and voices his repressed rage at the lousy father his Reginald proved to be.

While the CIA investigates the slaughter at the Thibideau's farm, Viktor convinces Reginald to use a non-lethal approach to stop Ben and Jennifer. Five convinces his CIA superior to keep Luther and Diego busy at the CIA headquarters so that he and Lila can attempt to change the timelines to prevent the Jennifer incident.

Under Quinn's enslavement, Klaus uses his abilities to provide his clients with closure and sexual gratification with deceased loved ones. Thinking he's going to be able to repay his debt in short order, he finds that Quinn pockets most of his earnings to pay for Klaus' various "expenses." One of his clients, Loretta, helps him escape in exchange for details about her late husband's hidden stash of money. Correctly deducing he would lie, Loretta follows Klaus to the stash after he escapes. Quinn appears, kills Loretta, takes the money, and buries Klaus alive.

While Lila and Five attempts to change the past, they fail and get lost in the labyrinthine subway system connecting the various timelines, one of which finds them in the "Phoenix Academy" house, narrowly avoiding being hit by a fireball thrown by Phil Hargreeves.

The Thibedeaus seek refuge at a Keeper safehouse, which is also a fast-food restaurant, where Sy Grossman approaches them.

Ben and Jennifer develop obsessive feelings for each other and eventually become intimate, accelerating the Marigold-Durango reaction and killing everything in a wide radius around them.



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