Umbrella Academy Wiki

"Six Years, Five Months, and Two Days" is the fifth episode in the fourth season of The Umbrella Academy, and thirty-fifth overall.


Lila and Five get lost traversing various timelines. Meanwhile, Viktor and Reginald aim to stop Ben, whose union with Jennifer sets forth a lethal path.


Five and Lila wander the subway system for over six years before settling down in a relatively peaceful timeline. They eventually find solace in each other's arms. When Five finds information pointing to their home timeline, he is reluctant to abandon his life with Lila, who conversely wants to go home immediately.

Having decided to look for him, Allison and Claire torture Quinn for information on Klaus' whereabouts and eventually unearth him.

With Reginald's help, Viktor contacts Ben but fails to convince him to let his family help him and Jennifer. They are ambushed by Keepers, whom Viktor fights off, and Reginald tells him that he deserved to fight alongside his siblings in their youth. Ben and Jennifer stop to rest in a mall when the latter is in pain.

At the CIA headquarters, Director Ribbons assigns Diego and Luther to what he calls an "elite unit" but is a department for agents no longer fit for duty. Diego is reminded of the importance of family by one of the agents there, and tries to call Lila, but she is told she isn't home. Luther discovers that Ribbons is working with the Keepers, forcing him and Diego to fight their way out of the headquarters.

At the Keepers' safe-house, Grossman believes that Ben and Jennifer are both important pawns for The Cleanse, and recommends that the Thibedeaus get to them before the Hargreeves do. His straightforward manner charms Jean but annoys Gene, who forces him to leave at gunpoint. Grossman later finds Gene alone and kills him, revealing himself to be Abigail in disguise. Abigail then assumes Gene's form and prepares to broadcast a signal to all Keepers when she learns that Ben and Jennifer have been found.



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