Umbrella Academy Wiki

Reality manipulation is the ability to create, shape and manipulate reality with vocal commands; while weaker users are limited to what is already considered "real", stronger ones can make changes from nothing.


Depending on the power of a reality warper, they may alter something as tangible as physics and the universe to something inconceivable like logic. The way the power really works is when the user controls the very existential state of anything depending on their proficiency, regardless of whether or not the entity in question is an object or subject, among so many or most others depending on their power scale. It can range from transmogrifying objects or subjects into something different, altering the laws of reality, logic and physics, creating things out of thin air, to even outright erasing it on the spot.

Applications of Reality Manipulation[]

Mental Manipulation[]

Main article: Mental Manipulation

The user can manipulate, modify and control the thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions, allowing the ability to render others unconscious, suppress their memories, and negate the use of abilities, increase/decrease mental capacity, modify minds, manipulate emotions, control minds, sway sensations to induce altered perception, bestow/heal mental disorders, create / penetrate mental barriers, etc.

Cranial Explosion[]

The user can cause anyone's head to violently burst and explode by looking at them, thinking of it, or any other explanatory way. It is usually a manifestation of their request. Allison used this ability to cause the heads of three Russian soldiers to explode.


The user can cause a victim to stop breathing, or manipulate the air around the victim to suffocate them. Lila Pitts used this ability on Allison.[1]

Known Users[]

Allison Hargreeves[]

As seen during her childhood, where her father had her use her powers to suppress her brother, Viktor's own powers. Allison's ability to mentally affect others using her voice can also to a certain degree at the time, manipulate and influence reality. Later as seen during the second season, Allison can now cause spontaneous phenomenon to happen to whenever she uses her voice on others, as seen where she had caused the heads of three men to explode after she used her mental suggestion on them.[citation needed]

Lila Pitts[]

This section needs a rewrite

During her fight against Allison, Lila was able to use her reality manipulation powers against her to make her stop breathing. Interestingly Lila was able to manipulate her without first saying, "I heard a rumor" first. As seen where when Allison attempted to manipulate her and first to say "I Heard Rumor", Lila was able to compel her to stop breathing by following up her command before she could say her own.[1]

