Mediumship is the practice of purportedly mediating communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings.
Practitioners are known as "mediums" or "spirit mediums". There are different types of mediumship or spirit channeling, including seánce tables, trance, and ouija. Several different variants of mediumship have been described; arguably the best-known forms involve a spirit purportedly taking control of a medium's voice and using it to relay a message, or where the medium simply "hears" the message and passes it on. Other forms involve materializations of the spirit or the presence of a voice, and telekinetic activity.
Triggering The Power[]
Mediumship is a very useful power, but dangerous at the same time. in order to communicate with the dead, you have to be completely sober. Whenever Reginald trained Klaus, he put him in a mausoleum. Being in the dark activates the power. Another thing is because this power comes from both the medium and the spirit, it cannot be completely controlled. If the spirit or ghost wishes to communicate with the medium, there is nothing the medium can do to prevent it from entering their head. This power can get out of hand, as it did with Klaus. He continuously overdosed himself with drugs and alcohol. If the spirits continue to communicate violently and recklessly, this experience may scar the medium, as they cannot drown out the voices or images of the spirits.
Known Users[]
Klaus Hargreeves[]
Klaus (while sober) has the ability to communicate with spirits/ those who are in the afterlife. Ironically, he is afraid of the dead, so he uses alcohol and drugs to self-medicate and keep his powers dampened. Although, often throughout the series, Klaus is shown talking with his deceased brother, Ben, who seems to be the only spirit he is not afraid of. When speaking with Sir Reginald in the afterlife, Klaus was told that he has barely scratched the surface of his power's potential.[citation needed]