Umbrella Academy Wiki

"Jean and Gene" is the second episode in the fourth season of The Umbrella Academy, and thirty-second overall.


With their powers restored, the gang embarks on a mission to find Sy Grossman's daughter. But they soon encounter hostility in a seemingly quaint town.


To almost the entire family's chagrin, they have regained their powers. Klaus refrained from taking his spiked drink, preferring to remain sober. They return to Sy Grossman's dry-cleaning store for more information, only to find a map leading them to the town of New Grumpson, Maine. Out of everyone there, only Diego is the only one enthusiastic about their new mission.

En route to Maine, Diego relays his suspicions of Lila's infidelity to Five, who tells him not to worry. At New Grumpson, Ben grows fed up with the others and splits off, striking up a burgeoning friendship with Rosie, a server at the local diner. Allison asks a shopkeeper if she's heard of Jennifer Grossman, and the town erupts into violence as its inhabitants turn on the family. Rosie decides to leave with Ben when the townspeople menace him.

During the chaos, Five discovers his powers have changed: He can only blink into a subway station that allows him to travel between different timelines.

Luther notices that the townspeople are affiliated with Hargreeves Enterprises. In the commotion, Klaus is fatally shot, forcing the family to use the remaining marigold to heal him. Rosie reveals that her real name is Jennifer, and she does not know who Sy Grossman is. The family regroups and leaves with Jennifer in tow, but their van is t-boned by the Thibedeaus, causing it to tumble. The Thibedeaus pull Jennifer from the wreckage and kidnap her.



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