Umbrella Academy Wiki

"Not in the mood for your bullshit today."
—Jayme Hargreeves

Jayme Hargreeves is one of the 16 super-powered babies born on October 1, 1989 in the Sparrow timeline. She was adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves and became a member of the Sparrow Academy.


Jayme was born on October 1, 1989, one of sixteen children born to women who had not been pregnant at the start of the day. She and six other children were adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves and raised as members of the Sparrow Academy, a team of superheroes.[1]

In 2014, Reginald's long-time assistant and friend Pogo left the Academy after a dispute with Hargreeves. While the Sparrows were all devastated at Pogo's departure, they were given medication by their former mentor to subdue Reginald. With this, Jayme and the other Sparrows ran the Sparrow Academy as they saw fit for the next five years.[4]

Meeting The Umbrella Academy[]

When the fight began between the Umbrellas and the Sparrows, Jayme attacked Viktor, eventually knocking him down. She then engaged in combat with Five and spat her venom at him, causing him to hallucinate. Taking advantage of this, she pushed Five down the stairs. When cornering Viktor, she was blasted back along with the others.

During a later training session, Marcus scolded Jayme and the rest of the team. At the supermarket with Alphonso, Jayme munched on candies while Alphonso and Diego fought. She watched until Alphonso was knocked to the ground. Eventually, Diego and Stan threw cans at both Alphonso and Jayme.

Later, Jayme and Alphonso forced Reginald Hargreeves to sign a document and take his pills. Eventually, Jayme and the Sparrows devised a plan to attack the Umbrellas at Hotel Obsidian.[citation needed]

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Jayme, along with the rest of the surviving Sparrow Academy members, confronted Allison, Diego, Luther, and Viktor at the Hotel Obsidian's lobby. As Christopher incapacitated the four of them and Jayme and Alphonso stepped forward to kill them, Harlan Cooper arrived at the scene and released a blast from his chest. Jayme was killed by the blast alongside Alphonso, which disfigured their faces in the process.[2]


Jayme Hargreeves is "a loner with a fear-inducing snarl you’d be wise to avoid at all costs. She doesn’t say much because she doesn’t have to."[3]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Hallucinogenic Spit: Jayme can spit a green venom that causes her targets to have hallucinations upon reaching their face. The power gives her two venom glands at the back of her mouth, making her physiology somewhat snake-like.[1]


  • Expert Combatant: Jayme has shown to be a very skilled fighter, able to take down Viktor and Five after distracting the latter with her venom.[1] She was holding her own against Ben before he grappled her in his tentacles, though she managed to harm him with a piece of wood, showcasing her flexibility in combat.[citation needed]
  • Expert Marksmanship: Jayme is quite accurate with her venom shots, as they seem to almost always hit their target face,[1] with the only way they were avoided was through blocking and evasion.[citation needed]



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