Umbrella Academy Wiki

Gravity Manipulation is the ability to manipulate gravity of themselves and others. This allows the users to make themselves float or levitate others.


It is the ability to change the gravity of objects and people causing them to levitate in the air, an offensive way to use this power is to levitate the person in the air and suffocate them like Sloane did with Luther. Sloane also showcased the ability to create a gravitational containment field, as shown where she helped contain the Kugelblitz with Lila and Viktor's help.

Known users[]

Sloane Hargreeves[]

Sloane can manipulate her own gravity and that of others by including objects

Lila Pitts[]

Lila briefly copied Sloane's power to climb to the mansion's roof.


  • In the comics, all the Sparrows floated into the battle field. It is unknown whether this was the effect of Gravity Manipulation used by the unnamed blonde woman Sparrow or merely technology.
  • The execution of this gravity power through glowing orbs by a character with brown and red in their colour scheme is similar to Gravattack from Ben 10: Omniverse.

