This article is about Diego & Lila's daughter: Grace Stanley Hargreeves . You may be looking for Grace (robot) , the human version of Grace from the Netflix series, the alternate version of Grace from the Netflix series, or Mom from the Dark Horse comics .
Grace Stanley Hargeeves
Parents: Siblings: Grandparents: Elena (paternal grandmother, deceased) Ronnie Gill (maternal grandfather, deceased) Anita Gill (maternal grandmother, deceased) Sir Reginald Hargreeves (adoptive paternal grandfather, deceased) Grace (adoptive paternal grandmother, destroyed) Handler (adoptive maternal grandmother, deceased) Aunts/uncles: First cousins: Claire (adoptive paternal first cousin)
Date of birth
December 2019 (reset universe)
Place of birth
United States (reset universe)
Played by
Ciara Rose Feeney
Grace Stanley Hargreeves is the eldest daughter of Diego & Lila . Her name is in memory of Diego’s adoptive mother, Grace & Lila’s band mate Trudy’s son, Stanley.