Umbrella Academy Wiki

Empathetic Masochism is the ability to harm or inflict pain on others by inflicting damage upon one's own body.


Users can harm or inflict pain on others by inflicting damage upon their own body. This ability allows the user maintain an offensive advantage at the behest of the user's health as with every attack the opponent deals to the user, the damage is also reflected on the opponent in a mirror-like fashion, making it appear as if they were harming themselves.

Triggering the Power[]

To use the power, one needs to experience physical pain towards their own body, regardless of whether the pain was inflicted through skin to skin contact or by a long-ranged attack, as shown when Stanley was injured after cutting Alphonso with Diego's thrown knife. To compensate for the requirement of being injured, users of this ability are known to have Enhanced Resilience in order to resist more damage, though the damage reflected by also be doubled whenever the user gets hit, as shown when Allison and Diego both got bloody noses whenever they punched Alphonso.[citation needed]

A drawback to this ability is that this ability isn't continuously active, as the user would have to consciously activate it akin to holding up a shield, as proven when a few of Diego's attacks could injure Alphonso but not recoil. The use of this ability seemingly requires stamina, as Alphonso was defeated upon getting exhausted. Moreover, there seems to be a limit to the amount of damage one can take, as Alphonso had become scarred and injured over the years of using this power.

Known Users[]

Alphonso Hargreeves[]

Alphonso is capable of redirecting the kinetic energy of the attacks he takes, inflicting them on the one who dealt him damage, regardless of the attack range. However, the years of fighting have caused his body to seemingly deteriorate, and even have his own flesh chip off sometimes, which is why the right side of his face appears to be melting.


  • In the comics, a member of the Sparrows was able to deal damage to a group of villains by stabbing himself with a screwdriver.
  • The ability appears to be unable to reflect energy based attacks, such as Sound Projection.

